The entire column is a treasure trove of unintentional funny, but the last paragraph deserves special attention:

Obama has been attempting to lower expectations since the first days of his presidency. Acolyte Rufus must not have gotten the memo.
President Obama will bring to the country a "New Liberalism." With his election a strong working-class society will be created. It is an American ideal. He will act to restore a new era of American leadership. He will rebalance the distribution of wealth.
Now that Obama is in office, it must be okay to openly announce that he plans on redistributing wealth. Rufus must not have heard about the incident in Lucas county with Joe the Plumber or doesn't understand how "redistributing the wealth" is viewed as a bad thing by most Americans.
Necessary and appropriate steps will be taken to assure access by every person to quality health care, education and other essential services. He will protect working-class American people.
The mantra of HOPENCHANGE. If you repeat it enough, it might come true.
By the time he leaves office in 2012 he will have through his economic-stimulus programs built the physical and social infrastructure of a 21st century economy.
Rufus admits that The One won't be reelected.
He will have stabilized the money markets, contained housing and stock market bubbles; brought the federal debt under control by discouraging speculation; and assured the availability of credit on fair and affordable terms to Main Street. He will rebuild America into the country it was originally intended to be.
Really, is there anything The One can't do?
According to this Obama supporter, He's going to make her car payment:
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