Lucky for us, the city commission meetings are videotaped. (Kline must've forgotten this when he wrote his letter dismissing Nuesse? Or maybe he just didn't think that the community would care enough to check if he was telling the truth?)
Also, it will help to know the official definition of the word "duplicity" before you watch this video. (Trust me on this. It's funny.)

Watch this video from the February 25, 2008 city commission meeting and note who actually refers to the system as being "on the verge of collapse" and who corrects that false assertion:
WOW! Great video 411! I especially like the addition of the music towards the end! How appropriate! !
Nice job on the video and the waltz music in the back ground as Kline waltzes around the issue. My hat is off to whoever put this together. Bailey also presented this same video evidence and you have to love the visual evidence of who said what which cannot be disputed.
Only 3 still standing! Kline, SMOOCHY and Meinzer. One by one they will fall to the truth.
Kline....just a matter of time as he spins and twists his words.
SMOOCHY....can you say RECALL?
Meinzer...."I just want to remind you the fire chiefs have been working on this for years."
RE: "fire chiefs working on this for years." I wonder if Meinzer got a little envious of Nuesse's experience with joint dispatch?
I couldn't help but think that Crandall was steering business to his buddy when he mentioned the communications company - and then referred to our dispatch system as being "on the verge of collapse" in order to create a sense of urgency on the issue.
Looks like someone came to a gunfight with a knife
Whaddya mean?
Kline picked the wrong person to allegedly sexually harass Nuesse as Nuesse teaches on the subject of gender. How is it that Nuesse had no trouble with the police officers she worked with down in Columbus? She was well respected and cooperated in a professional manner. Nuesse chose to give testimony on camera while the city cops and other good old boys opted out--video does not lie and could be self incriminating later on. Nuesse is a professional never missing a beat in testimony while others gave a poor performance. Stacks of evidence were submitted while the city attorneys sit there overwhelmed with the evidence and come back with stupid cross examination questions that don't make any sense to the case. The city is in way over their heads. It takes two of the city's attorneys to one of Baily to try this case.
There's a city commission meeting tonight. You should voice this opinion to them.
The problem is that the city not only has two or three attorneys on their side they also have the judge. He is getting paid by the city and is not going to go against them. It is like the Murman report. This should have been taken outside this jurisdiction and away from the influence of the GOB's.
This is a prime example why the best and brightest leave Sandusky. When they leave, Sandusky's left with yahoos like this running the dog-and-pony show.
WOW, I was a little ignorant of the facts until I saw this video!! The NERVE of these guys!! I can't believe this crap; they fire her for something KLINE said, not Kim!!! The judge should prevent further damage to Kline and his buddies and state the obvious and apologize to Kim; slamming the hammer down and proclaiming Kim right and Kline and his buddies as liars and hold them in contempt of court!
Isn’t it strange that we have to come to a FREE little blog site to get the entire truth to a story? Thanks 411
I love this new site. Thanks 411!
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