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Saturday, January 31, 2009

The SR's Marina District Bias


Unfortunatly the SR is not a true paper. If you give them a story that will fit their agenda then they will print it. If you give them one that is against their agenda they might print it, however, they will comment against the person who wrote the story and make cartoons against them. It has happened against the CRG when they were trying to tell people what was going on with the closed door meetings on the MD. The SR had their cartoonist draw a cartoon that made the CRG look like they were totally against development in this city, when that was a total lie and the SR knew this. We do not need a rag like the SR telling the people what to think when they read a story.

Sounds to me like the CRG might benefit from spreading their agenda in an alternate news source. I have to agree that the SR's bias in the MD matter is pretty blatant. The Marina District issue is not an issue of right/wrong. That's why I'd have to separate it from the Nuesse matter.


Anonymous said...

If you are referring to the CRG agenda as giving the people the right to vote on a referendum petition and giving back the democratic process that was taken away by a bogus emergency legislation, then you are correct. This city does not have the ability to follow through with a development this size. Read the article in the Morning Journal today, we can't even complete the Paper District. We have to return a 2.8 million grant, who is going to complete the walkway that was promised to the people at the start of this. Are the occupants of the Chesapeake going to have to continue to look at the dump that is located just to the West of them. With this MD project we will be left with more of the same and we will have to pay through the nose, which we do not have the money to do, and our grandchildren will still be paying. You are so wrong to state "The Marina District issue is not an issue of right/wrong", it obviously is an issue of right or wrong. What other way can you look at it.

Bryan said...

From my perspective, there is a distinct difference between the MD issue and the Nuesse matter. If I knew more about the MD matter (which hopefully the CRG will kindly expound through video) I might (probably) change my mind. I guess this is the reason the city and media are able to get away with subterfuge: The common man does not have access or perspective on all the available information.

Anonymous said...

Mr.ED - What is up with the Mourning Urinal getting the jump on the SR regarding the notice about the parks and recreation meeting on Monday to review the replacement park options since 2.5 acres of green space will be lost to the condos at the Marina Disaster project down at Battery Park?

What is the CRG plan to stop the MD?