Bailey said he couldn’t bring up Kline’s sexual advances during Nuesse’s Civil Service hearing because Judge Joseph Cirigliano ruled they were “irrelevant.”
And you thought Judge Joseph Cirigliano was on the straight and narrow. I suppose the sexual advances were "irrelevent" in Cirigliano's view though.
“I obviously disagreed,” Bailey said. “If someone tries to be a little too friendly to someone of the opposite sex in a workplace, and she rejects those advances, how can that not have had an effect on (Kline’s) decision (to fire her)?”
Three city commissioners said they were “shocked” or “extremely surprised” by the sexual harassment allegations.
“I’ve heard the rumors, as everyone has,” ex-officio mayor Craig Stahl said. “But this is the first time I’ve seen them.”
You heard the rumors, as everyone has?! Did they concern you Mr. Stahl?!

16: "...slightly rubbing them while he addressed the supervisors." ?? Looks like Nuesse has plenty of witnesses to call. We'd have to see a list of the supervisors present, but as far as that conspiracy against her by the command structure - there has to be at least one supervisor who will tell the truth about what happened in that meeting.
And if this particular allegation is true, the Commissioners need to immediately place Kline on administrative leave pending the outcome of the federal suit. After all, isn't this the way Sandusky does it? Nuesse was placed on leave in order for Sandusky to make a case against her!
Kline didn’t return phone calls Friday.
Big shocker there.
This is a pretty ill-advised comment:
Most city officials declined to comment on the situation, but city commissioner Bob Warner offered a vote of confidence for city manager Kline.
“I still support Matt,” he said. “I’m in construction, and these things pop up from time to time. Sometimes they’re true; sometimes they’re not. You just have to wait and see how the investigation plays out.”
Does Bob Warner support Kline 'unconditionally?' Because that's what it sounds like he's saying. He admits that he doesn't know how the investigation is going to turn out - but he's going to publicly voice his support for Kline anyway?
Another city commissioner who spoke on the condition of anonymity said he now believes Nuesse is innocent.
“Her persistence is unwavering,” he said. “Why would she go down this path and keep going if she was lying? She could’ve just taken a settlement and walked away.”
Can you imagine coming to a town like Sandusky and having this happen to you? You're new in the area, and it's a beautiful area. You're expecting to work with a group of enlightened people - because after all, they've hired a female police chief! Sandusky must be ahead of it's time! A shining example of tolerance and progressive thought - certainly an atmosphere that wouldn't tolerate sexist bahavior or sexual harassment! These guys must really think outside the box. After all, they passed over several of their own to hire me!
[Bailey] didn’t file a suit immediately because he was hoping the city would drop the case or reach a settlement with his client.
“They really didn’t give us a choice,” he said. “I was hoping this would be over by now.”
Come on, Ron. You know better than that.
Nuesse just jumped the shark with this one. If she had issues with what allegedly happened, she should have brought it up then. This is absolutely rediculous. It's Baily trying to make his client look as much like a poor little victim as possible.
Check out the screen grab that was posted inside the article above. Read the last sentence.
After reading the story on the issues with the city manager and all of the ethical problems with the city commission regarding the Marina District compounded by the bogus emergency legislation to avoid the citizen petitions to vote on saving all of the public shoreline parks and green spaces from development there remains only one critical long will it take a couple of city commissioners to now come forward and blow the whistle on this circus to save themselves?
How about it city commissioners, why not fess up and terminate the Marina District, place the city manager on leave pending due process, investigate the city law director for all of those legal blunders, and allow the citizens to vote on the referendums provided by the city charter?
What a mess. This just keeps getting worse and now another lawsuit. It is a wonder our insurance company doesn't discontinue us. All of this because Kline can't manage properly. Between the housing mess, Nuesse, and the Marina District development comining up with a restrictive budget, it should make it mighty interesting. The city should start to file for bankruptcy and get it over with. As for Kline calling Nuesse dishonest, he better check himself. It is just a matter of time and Kline will be out.
Anonymous #1 -
Go read the article. She brought it up in the beginning but the judge (ha!) ruled that it was not relevant.
What would you expect the judge to do, after all he is being paid by the city through the insurance. Sorta like the Murman report, and we all know how one sided that was. Just a question, since Nuesse was put on paid administrative leave while her investigation was ongoing, wouldn't it be appropriate for Kline to also be put on administrative leave until this suit is finalized. It would also be appropriate to fire him, as he did to Nuesse, when she wins this case, or is this a case of do what I say and not as I do.
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