This "fact sheet" has been out for quite awhile, but it's interesting to read the city's perspective on the project.
We're at a crossroad. The situation is dire. This development of battery park is critical. It is essential that we get this right. It's one of the single most important issues that face Sandusky!
"I am convinced that this project is essential to Sandusky's future and that of our children."
"Reputable" developer? Oups, this will be HIS first rodeo.
"we must get this right" Oups, there is a "sketchy" finacial plan at best.
"you must get this done Mr. Murray", OUPS, he left us with the Nuesse thing, the housing thing, the racial problems at the fire station AND the Marina District.
Our city budget is in despair and there is no room for extra money to pay for unforeseen expenses concerning this development. Problems with the housing and Nuesee gate have not been fully resolved financially. It will be a miracle if this development gets of the ground because of the pitfalls along the way. I think if it does get off the ground, it will be years before we see any dirt turned. The city is fooling itself and I don't think they will be able to pull it off because of the complications of moving city hall and the park.
Mr. Ed says - Who is that raschal Murray and what executive experiences does he have to justify the city managing a hundred million dollar development?
Of course, a talking horse knows waht makes horse sense and this road apple smells!
Oh yeah and Mr. Murray's parting shot was "This is no silver bullet", this really makes you feel all warm and fuzzy doesn't it. We still have people with blinders on leading the charge of the MD light brigade, but they are not looking behind them to see the support is slowly being reduced to just a few staunch, misinformed, people. Some commissioners think we are so deep in this mess we can't turn around and backtrack to get out. You know, like the point of no return. This is what we have for leadership in this town, no wonder we are in such a mess.
Did anyone read today's feel good article in the SR? If I remember correctly this legislation for the MD project was voted, illegally according to the city charter, as an emergency months ago and now this Eymann is just getting around to sending out packets to "Hot Prospects" to presell his condos and is just in the talking stages with a supposed world wide hotel chain. Doesn't seem like it was an emergency to me. Darth Vader got took again. How does it feel Mr. Waddington to be the butt of a bad joke on the citizens?
When can we expect to learn what will happen next?
Is there any plan to challenge the city's emergency legislation that nullified the citizen petitions?
How does this project impact the future of our children?? Through job creation??. We are revaging our waterfront in the name of creating a handfull of jobs after construction jobs are gone.
This project does nothing for the future of our children except to create more low paying jobs. If your children are smart they should leave this town, as soon as they can, run by ignorant commissioners and an inexperienced city manager. They only want to take away the rights of citizens to vote on anything that they consider is against their agendas. They only want to create low wage jobs, as in the tourist industry, and people who will not stand up to them when they are wrong. If more people would get involved with the organization that used to be called CRG maybe we could really change this town for the better for everyone instead of just for the few.
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