The fact that you now have to register is not censorship, everyone can still post all the same stuff. Only now the Register is going to have some idea of who you are -- but just the Register.
That's like somebody saying: "It's okay, say whatever you want." And then under their breath: "I know where you live."
We guard the identities and personal information of our online users with every shield available to us. So the venal public official you justly or unjustly criticize is never going to know who you are.
I feel so assured.
The Register knows who you are if you weren't smart enough (or cared in the first place) to use an anonymous email address and fake mailing address. Also, your identity is not "secure." A court subpoena by somebody who feels 'libeled' by an SR commenter could free up that information and there's nothing the Register can do about it.
I understand where Nick is coming from and agree that registration was a good idea, he just doesn't seem to be doing a very good job of convincing the naysayers. Remember pal, people around here have a reason for feeling paranoid about getting hit with speech crimes.
That's like somebody saying: "It's okay, say whatever you want." And then under their breath: "I know where you live."
We guard the identities and personal information of our online users with every shield available to us. So the venal public official you justly or unjustly criticize is never going to know who you are.
I feel so assured.
The Register knows who you are if you weren't smart enough (or cared in the first place) to use an anonymous email address and fake mailing address. Also, your identity is not "secure." A court subpoena by somebody who feels 'libeled' by an SR commenter could free up that information and there's nothing the Register can do about it.
I understand where Nick is coming from and agree that registration was a good idea, he just doesn't seem to be doing a very good job of convincing the naysayers. Remember pal, people around here have a reason for feeling paranoid about getting hit with speech crimes.
I hope this works out better than the previous way. The previous way had WAY too many foul posts on it.
This might be censorship, but it is not going against the U. S. Constitution. The Constitution says that the GOVERNMENT can not censor people. The SR website is NOT government owned or operated by the U. S. government. It is owned and operated by private citizens, not the government.
Therefore, the SR can censor it as much as they like. Hopefully, they will now be able to keep the creeps that post foul and disgusting posts off for good.
Only time will tell.
Unfortunatly the Register does not keep this information secret. I know employees who have stated blogs and who they were from out on the street. That is not what I would call keeping it private.
In my earlier post, I forgot to give credit to "John R" who wrote that post under Nick's blog. I cut and pasted into this blog because I thought he said it so well.
TO Grayghost: When I registered for the SR blog, NONE of the info I gave them was accurate except for the email address which I newly opened just for that purpose. So I don't care what they do with "my" information because it wasn't accurate to begin with.
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