She says that Lyons claimed that state law required him to run a county wide dispatch.
Nuesse states that Lyons made this claim to Dennis Murray, and that Don Icsman researched the law and showed that Lyons was not telling the truth about it.
Lyons was never disciplined for making untrue statements about county wide dispatch.

She hasn't been cross examined yet, but so far the Nuesse-haters claim that her "lying" about county dispatch was the most egregious offense. (So what if the claim isn't true?)
A great comment from the SR comments:
joecitizen1 is that guy who always responds to middle east-conflict discussions with: "For all I care we can nuke 'em all."
Dear Sandusky Register... oh wait sorry, I mean 411Firelands. Again those that disagree are Nuesse "haters" and are stereotyped and ridiculed. It seems that just as the SR has toned down their bias you have stepped it up.
I don't hate Kim Nuesse but her defense seems focused on embarassing everyone around her. Some may well deserve it, but they have not been fired and don't need to defend themselves. If Sheriff Lyons does a bad job, people will vote him out. Terry Lyons doesn't work for Matt Kline. He fired her for reasons that you may not agree with but will likely prove lawful albeit unpopular.
I will say it again, unless she addresses those reasons she will lose, at least in the legal arena.
Agree to disagree...
The city is in over their heads. The city needs to cut their loses and bring her back. The city's accounting department can't even tell the judge about what happened to the grant and they are still trying to resolve the problem. How is it Sheriff Lyons gets to tell a whopper of a lie and he still has his job? Proper leadership would have prevented all this from ever happening.
First off, Ms. Nuesse has alleged that Sheriff Lyons told a lie. Second, Sheriff Lyons reports to the voters of Erie County, not Matt Kline. Perhaps the voters have lower standards. You can't hold Sheriff Lyons and Sandusky's Police Chief to the same standard. They seem similar but they are completely different jobs.
Anonymous 2/7/09, 4:55 poster :
"Perhaps the voters have lower standards."
That is obvious my friend. That is obvious when the voters of Erie County re-elected Tom Ferrell and (even worse) Barb Johnson.
Yes anonymous, Erie County voters have VERY low standards!
To the first Anonymous blogger, I do not know what hearing you are listening to, but the ones I have seen have one thing in common, Nuesse has proof, i.e. evidence on all of which she was accused of. The city has absolutly nothing and they know it. They thought she would just pack it in and the GOB's would win again. This lady has more b***s then all the city leaders combined. In front of a jury she would blow the city out of the water, and they know that. They need to settle this now by putting her back in the chiefs job and paying all the expeses and her back salery. If this goes to a jury trial it will cost this city more money then the insurance will pay and then they can say goodby to the MD, for which they are saving all their change, and our grandchildren will be footing the bill until they get to collect SS.
There is a difference between alot of documents and "proof". She may very well have evidence that the Sheriff and Prosecutor are jerks, but that is not going to get her job back.
Her strategy seems to be to try and get a bunch of people to put political pressure on the City. It is not the City's fault that county voters put jerks in office. I do not blame Sandusky's Fire Chief for not wanting to get involved with one of the most controversial Police Chiefs in the area.
I'll be surprised if this even gets to a jury.
It seems the city commission is going into excutive session over this Nuesse hearing at this moment. I would bet they are trying to find a way out of this mess. Their lawyers have more then likely told them they are losing big time and if this goes to a trial it will cost the city an enormous amount of money. I know if I was on the jury and from what I have heard so far I would be willing to award her anything she asked for. The city needs to settle and get on with running our city instead of ruining it.
Document, document, document.
Where is ONE FOP grievence?
Where is ONE write up by Will, Meyers or Kline?
High School buisness class 101...
Document, document, document.
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