Whoever is talking in the background makes some pretty funny comments. At one point she says, "Are we on Lake Erie?" "No, Lake Erie is not part of a public park" (or something like that.)
Also, watch this link for Bob Bratton (Ottawa County Sheriff) get really really really emotional about the whole thing. For as many years as he's been in law enforcement it's surprising to see him flip out like this. (Yes Sheriff, there are people who really like to ice fish out there.) The comments he makes about the bridge sound pretty anecdotal. He acts like all 134 of those ice fisherman crossed a makeshift wooden bridge - which is pretty doubtful) in order to put their lives in danger.

So why cry about it? The rescuers are doing their job and they're getting paid for it. It's almost like the Sheriff doesn't want to be bothered. In other words: These idiots justify your job. So be thankful for idiots.
On another note, ask your local lawman about whether or not he "likes" crime. If he says, "no" he's lying. Crime enables him to have a job. So in a way he's dependent on other people either being idiotic and endangering themselves or committing crimes so he can make a living.
The idiot and arrogant fishermen have missed the point. When the emergency crews go out to rescue on the ice, they put their own lives on the line to help others. Yes, it is their jobs to do so, but when it comes to pulling dumb stunts as this one, you have to back charge the fishermen for the rescue. I think having flags out will help signal to those fishermen, without brains, that if they risk going out when the flags are flying, they will be charged for the rescue. The fishermen were lucky this had a happy ending.
I doubt that any rank and file rescuers complained about this rescue. The Sheriff who is tasked with managing a budget is probably the only one really getting his knickers in a knot. The taxpayers also have a pretty legitimate beef. I bet the rescuers actually had a good time playing on the ice.
Yep. These guys LIVE for "rescues." Any time they can play around in their helicopters and air boats...don't kid yourself. They love it.
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