If you wade past the steady torrent of bickering and claims that Smith's bad decisions somehow reflect poorly on our local school systems, there are few comments on the SR that interest:

Don't know about that particularly, but Smith did have a girlfriend who died in a car accident with several of her friends a few years back. If I remember correctly it was a high speed crash on the interstate and four young ladies lost their lives. Anybody who remembers the details, feel free to add them in the comments.
I also have it from several sources that Smith's mother passed away recently (last year?) from cancer. She was in her 50's. My point being that Smith is no stranger to tragedy. One can't help but wonder how the different events wore on him which may have brought him to making a bad decision or two.
I'm not defending his actions, but these facts should be considered before casting stones from the safety of our anonymous glass houses...
I also have it from several sources that Smith's mother passed away recently (last year?) from cancer. She was in her 50's. My point being that Smith is no stranger to tragedy. One can't help but wonder how the different events wore on him which may have brought him to making a bad decision or two.
I'm not defending his actions, but these facts should be considered before casting stones from the safety of our anonymous glass houses...
Your words weigh heavy and they affect lives whether you're around to witness it or not. (Listen to the audio.)
The prisons are filled with people who have experienced tragedy - most of whom are far more disadvantaged than Mr. Smith.
The fact is while the girl may have been 18 and consented to the sex, it's still a felony for a teacher to have sex with a student. And that's a good thing -can you imagine what schools would be like if that sort of thing was OK - if the only thing separating you and the girl next to you from having sex with your teacher was a few months?
Note too that this guy is 29 - and the girl is 18. That's a big difference in age - it isn't like some 19 year old senior having sex with a 14 year old freshman (and trust me, there are men in prison who fit this description) - this is a grown man who knows better having sex with his student.
Slice it any way you want - but what this guy did was wrong and he should - and will - go to jail for it.
Save your sympathy for someone who deserves it. This guy aint it.
You have a compelling viewpoint.
Woops. Posted that before I meant to. Anyway, you have a compelling viewpoint, but given the standards around here, he'll do no more than 11 months in prison. (If a Sandusky cop can get out after what he did to a student entrusted to him, consensual or not, Smith won't be facing much time in prison if any.)
I know Drew and while I have always thought he was a nice guy, this was not a nice act. I don't think it should matter that the girl was 18. She was a student, he knew the rules, and if teachers are supposed to be the role models for our children today then how can these acts be condoned? Yes, his mother did recently pass away from cancer and his ex-girlfriend died a few years ago...however, everyone experiences tragedy in their lives and I don't believe the past should be used as an excuse. I am sorry for his poor decision making, but wrong is wrong.
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