SANDUSKY, OHIO -- Police in Sandusky say a man attacked a high school gym teacher after accusing him of having sex with his stepdaughter.
The attack happened Sunday. Police say Charles Griggs was told by his 18-year-old stepdaughter that she had sex with 29-year-old Drew Smith at least twice in Smith's Huron home.

Smith is a gym teacher and football coach at St. Mary Central Catholic in Sandusky.
Reports indicate that Griggs kicked in the door to Smith's home on Sunday, Feb. 15. He allegedly verbally threatened Smith and jumped on top of him.
Smith's roommates pulled Griggs off and called police.
Griggs has been charged with burglary and aggravated menacing. Smith has been charged with two counts of sexual battery.
Both men have been released on bond
There are a few readable comments under the SR. Most notably the fact that males are treated differently when accused of these types of crimes. Somebody mentioned a recent local case that I don't recognize. Has there been any recently about female teachers having sex with male students? I wasn't aware of any...
Smith's roommates pulled Griggs off and called police.
Griggs has been charged with burglary and aggravated menacing. Smith has been charged with two counts of sexual battery.
Both men have been released on bond
There are a few readable comments under the SR. Most notably the fact that males are treated differently when accused of these types of crimes. Somebody mentioned a recent local case that I don't recognize. Has there been any recently about female teachers having sex with male students? I wasn't aware of any...
Everybody remembers the Lafave case - and that was met more with fascination than disgust. At least by most guys anyway. Which is probably why there will always be a double standard: Male teachers get called "sick" while male students get called "lucky."
I think they are referring to the court worker further down on your page!
Ha! Let that be evidence of the double standard. I completely forgot about it!
I was the one who posted the way males vs. females are treated, and Anonymous is correct, I was mistaken about her being a court employee and not a teacher.
However, over the years the press in general does NOT post the pictures of females but do the males. I’m against either being mentioned or having a photo shown until after the trial. This type of crime scares person weather they are innocent or not, the public always has it in the back of their minds. The Lafave case was a total joke to justice! After that joke of a Judge saying she was too pretty to go to jail I started keeping a watchful eye, I found almost every time that those women considered to be good looking usually received probation or a few months in jail or house arrest. Those who were not so attractive received SEVERE sentences, sometimes more than men who did more destructive crimes, it’s almost like the judge wanted them off the streets in an effort to beautify the city!
I feel the justice system in this country has been distorted to a level of complete craziness!
Teachers are held to a higher standard and this teacher abused his position. He broke the law. He used a teenage girl. Just because someone is 18 does not mean, in a school, she is treated as an adult. All adults in a school are in a superior position to all students. To abuse this position is not only morally wrong, it is criminal. He seems to have only admitted his crime because it was brought to light by the young woman's father. It does not reflect badly on SMCC unless they make excuses for him and don't do what is right for kids. Look back into his last few years. No one saw this coming? He's never left one or two jobs because of inappropriate behavior with young women? Shame on anyone who let him go without holding him accountable. I applaud SMCC for getting rid of him and putting kids first.
I think it is kind of sad that one guy on a blog has scooped our poor excuse of a newspaper. Once again the SR prints half a story.
Rumors are surfacing regarding female students at SHS and PHS while Smith was a teacher there. Hopefully these girls or the schools will come forward and tell the police. There is no shame if you were the victim whether consensual or not. There is shame if you are the school or victim and do not come forward in order to help punish this guy to the fullest extent. This poor girl is already taking all the hell from some of her peers; so the treatment would probably not be so harsh once people see he made a habit of this sort of behavior while teaching. Cell phone records will surely show any other girls involved in the last 6 months, so you may as well come forward. As far as the schools that may have covered this up, hopefully you are concerned about doing the right thing by your students. What you learn is most of the "rumors" spread throughout high schools end up being true.
So was in consensual? I read in the SR blog that he was married? Is she still in school or does she plan to withdraw?
I guess getting a name is out of the question?
He's already been fired (reported) and getting her named released probably won't happen.
To "Pirate Mom": it sounds like you are aware of something in his past;hopefully you will do the right thing as a parent and go to the authorities with what you know. I believe you can call with a tip and it will remain anonymous, if you are concerned about getting involved. If anyone knows of any past relations with students of his they should come forward. And to the other blog, yes there IS a law forbidding teacher/student relations.
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