All bickering in the comment section under this SR article can be neutralized with a single comment:
AngryWhiteDude wrote on Feb 4, 2009 1:55 PM:
Let a free market economy decide. The government, even voted on by the people, should not dictate how this group of business owners should run their businesses. If you don’t want smoking in bars, go to only those that don’t allow smoking. If you want to smoke or don’t mind it, go to those that allow smoking. If enough people don’t want smoking or vise a versa, those bars that do not offer what the bar going public want, will go out of business. This is the very essence of free market capitalism.
Amen, brother.
Kinda related: Am I the only person who skims the SR comments looking for something that resembles a structured paragraph, with correct punctuation and line breaks for easier reading? Am I the only person who ignores the rest of it?
Also annoying: When a comment appears to be a response to another commenter, as if arguing in the comments section is really going to change the viewpoint of somebody who feels strongly enough about given topic to leave a comment in the first place. Who has time to follow these confusing back and forths besides the people leaving the comments?
If you're going to bother leaving a comment, make it a single supported paragraph, several if you must, with readable sentences. Or a one-liner - but only if it's funny. Is that too much to ask?
I'm really only kidding about all of this. Do whatever you want. I can't stop you from creating an ubiquitous mass of meaningless text which nobody reads anyway.
1 comment:
Brother 411;
You and I do the same and find the same things irratating when skimming the SR blogs.
I found it especially disturbing during the Keenan Bonner stories when his friends and relatives would blog and write in "code"...or I guess that's called ebonics. One "cousin" in particular (Darius Allen) wrote like that (I think he was trying to say how innocent his cousin was). I responded to him calling him "Delirious Allen." He shot back a meaningless rant...gee I wonder why....
Another thing I find annoying is when someone THINKS they know who the poster is, or they think that 3-5 different posters are the same person.
Orrrrr, when they shoot off their mouths about "Consipriacy Theories" with absolutely NO EVIDENCE to back them up what-so-ever. If there is a conspiracy, that simply hurts the cause instead of helping the cause.
Well, I've rambled on enough. I think you get the point.
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