Thursday, February 26, 2009
Bumped For Discussion: Unscientific Poll
Not a scientific poll, obviously, but why is there such disparity here? Is this an accurate portrayal of public perception? If so, what is Mr. Stahl and Co. doing wrong and where can they improve? Do not turn this into a hate fest. We haven't had a problem on this site so far. Thanks for keeping the comments constructive.

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How about transparency!! No e-mail response from them when you converse with them. Stahl always wants you to send e-mail to him; what for so he can ignore you?
Good point. From what I've heard, the commissioners are familiar with this site, so they will be familiar with the complaints.
The reason for distrusting Stall is pretty clear to me.
Wasn't Stall the driving force behind the legislation circumventing the voter petitions to place the Marina Disaster Project on the November ballot because he was a Sandusky NOW member?
Did he also trash the city charter when he managed to use the emergency legislation to kick democracy to the curb?
Who can trust a guy like that?
Stahl ran on transparency and he continues to hide things the citizens of this town needs to know. When you ask him a question at the meetings he says he will get back to you or e-mail you and he never does. The problems this MD is having is being kept a secret, so the public does not get information. He constantly calls for executive sessions when he knows they are in violation of the city charter as they do not have anything to do with personnel. He always wants to control the meetings and talks for other commissioners instead of letting them speak for themselves. Kline always has to look over to Stahl to get the nod to answer any question from the public at the meetings. The list is long and knowing Stahl, since I have been a resident for over 60 years, he will never change. He wants to be king of this city and not do what is in the best interest of the citizens.
Remember to just vote no on Stahl this coming November. He is up for re-election.
Yes, Stahl and company seem to forget that they work for US (the citizens & tax payers of the city) and are accountable to US.
The trick is getting the word out to educate the voters so that they can make an "informed vote" istead of a "blind vote."
Now is not too early to start. I think that is the reason some of our elected officials won reelection (Tom Ferrell and Barb Johnson) is because word got out about them too late and in a very narrow venue (not as many people read the SR blogs as you might expect).
As a matter of fact, I heard a rumor that someone is starting to put together information about Johnson now (in the first couple of months of her 4 year term) and will be made public within the next few months all the way to her reelection in four years. If this is true, people need to do that with other officials as well (Ferrell, Baxter, etc.).
NOW is the time to do this with Stahl and company. Don't wait until 3 months before the election; that is too late.
I hear there is a petition to put the parking tax on the ballet. Is Waddington or Kaman behind this?
I am not for a parking tax.
I want as many people to clog our streets and pack CP's parking lot as possible.
I feel we need to shrink government first. NO, I don't mean firemen, policemen, Street workers.
I would like to look at 222 Meigs and find ways to do more with less. Several suggestions were given, we will see where it goes.
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