It would be nice to know Mr. Stahl and Mr. Kline's plans, goals, objectives. One of the issues that was brought up this morning at Mr. Smith's coffee house was that the commission hasn't sat down for a work session yet this year.
The commission is divided and the "majority party" doesn't seem interested in sharing any information with the rest of the commission.
In reference to the Pisarsky contract mentioned above. This is from the February 23rd Commission Agenda:

Spinning says: Let's connect the dots...
Does everyone recall how the city commission disrespected the voters by not accepting over 1,000 voter signatures to place the MD referendum on the ballot for this November?
Does everyone recall how quickly the city commission under Murray, Stahl & Kline resorted to using emergency legislation because of the MD petitions to block the enforcement of the city charter?
Do we agree that the voters are now being kept in the dark about everything impacting city finances going down on Meigs Street? Is it because the city commission can not defend itself when the sun shines in on its decisions?
What is the real emergency regarding the MD?
Could it be the casino push now documented in the local paper today?
The city commisson has broken trust with the voters and the manipulative and weaker commissioners know it!
To think that this MD disaster is all about bringing a casino to the Battery Park opens up several troublesome issues not to mention the moral conflicts within this city. The IMA and all churches in the city should be taking a stand against gambling and a casino. The voters in the city should be concerned because voters may not even have a choice about having a casino located in Sandusky.
As reported today in the SR, Kinzel and Murray are pushing for a casino here....now is that the reason the city commission is not coming clean with the voters about what they know and when they knew it?
Would a casino tied to the MD create even more conflicts of interest for city commissioners if there is a secret about the MD being tied into a casino coming to the city?
Does anyone think that moving forward so quickly with the MD and purposefully running over the voter petitions and the city charter is all about avoiding additional conflicts of interest by more commisisoners who would personally benefit from the casino in the city tied to the MD plans?
Is there a need for the Ohio Ethics Commission to be investigated for not enforcing the ethics laws and should a racketeering investigation be considered if the city commissioners are colluding to hide the casino connection to the MD?
Is the casino push the motive for the illegitimate emergency legislation for the MD because of the need to position the MD before the casino?
One could now wonder if removing Nuesse has anything to do with a Marina District-casino connection scheme since most law enforcement groups oppose the crime(drugs, prostitution & theft) that accompanies casinos across the country. Perhaps this city's manipulative leaders already knew that Nuesse's character would oppose a casino in the city...
It appears that the city is already goiing down the road as having a corrupt government since we still do not know the outcome of all of the ethical complaints filed with the Ohio Ethics Commission, not to mention any addition ehtical concerns that may or may not surface about the roles played by Baxter, Kline and Icsman in the Nuesse fiasco...
To Spinning: You summed it up pretty good. I think there is something big going on and the more the foursome commissioners keep a lid on it, the better for them. I don't believe for one minute what I am hearing that the MD project is on the back burner when I hear rail and new airport coming into the area--casions are coming. The movers and shakers are on the move and nothing is going to get in their way. It is throwing us off track until the plans are cracked wide open at the right time, and at the right place. Question is: How long can the fourseome commissioners keep everything a big secret? If you give them enough rope, they will hang themselves only by that time, the city is well underway with their plans. As for the Mayor Ward system, it is the people and not the system you need to change. Come November, you need to remove the shysters causing the problems. In the meantime, the elected leaders need to start leading and stop with the secrets and lessen the executive sessions. Some commissioners need to start walking out of the executive sessions when the meetings turn to different conversation than what was intended. Executive session doesn't give the leaders the right to get off course with the subject at hand. I do not want to continually hear "I am only one commissioner" as this is nothing but a cop out. One commissioner can make a difference with honesty, integrity, and good wholesome ethics to do the right thing. If there is anyone at the commission table that qualifies, please step forward now as your city needs you! Please, do not bobble your head all in one direction and think on your own merits.
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