What do you all think of this?
As always, keep the comments constructive. My two cents is that a Dateline producer needs to look at this story. It seems like anyone who speaks out publicly against this guy either ends up in prison or run out of town. My opinion is that he doesn't stay in office because of any great skill as a prosecutor, but more because he has great skill at using his office to intimidate opposers and silence critics. (No challengers in what, forever?)

Good luck at getting a credible investigation into an Ohio county prosecutor because you have to go through the office of the Ohio attorney general. (I lost track of those guys. Not even sure who our AG is at this moment. I remember Marc Dann easily defeated Betty Montgomery after she ignored Coingate, but then he resigned in disgrace after his party voted to impeach him. So they have a great track record for public integrity, as you can see.)
Public corruption is a serious problem here and there are no legal avenues to address it, and none of our elected officials have the political courage to address it either. They'll voice their outrage behind closed doors, but that's it.
IMO the Baxter politicals and personal issues are a direct reflection on the lack of integrity within the local democratic party.... and therein lies the problems with the local GOB network. Corruption and abuse of power can not be addressed as long as the local dems allow it to continue.
The only recourse is to throw the bums out of office at the next election cycle and clean house at the party level...fat chance of that taking place as we learned from the way Murry and Stall rigged the emergency legislation to thwart the citizens petitions to revote the MD deal and then there is the current Nuesse circus that is all about protecting the GOBs supported by the dems including the hearing judge and all of the clowns the city has called as witnesses.
If it were not for Kim Nuesse, all of the GOB problems would be off the front pages and that is why she should be supported for her courage and effort to clear her name.
What is most dissappointing is the way a few city commissioners are allowing the infection of distrust to continue to damage the city as they sit on the sidelines appearing to support the other commissioners who have broken trust with the voters.
Ohio's AG is Democrat Richard Cordray who was the State Treasurer prior to winning election this past November.
I often ask myself why nobody will run against Baxter. I have been told it is because you can make more money in private law, but I suspect it also has something to do with the fact that if you mess with Baxter he will find a way to destroy you. Whether it is true or not does not matter.
He has the morals and the ethics of Lando Calrisian.
Mr Sandusky -
Excuse my ignorance, but who is Lando Calrisian?
You must not be a Star Wars fan....
Well, that and I spelled it wrong, it should be Lando Calrissian.
He is the gambler that tricked Han Solo et al in the cloud city and gave them to Darth Vader.
He was played by Billy Dee Williams.
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