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Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Coffee With Mr. Stahl
At Mr. Smith's Coffee House this Saturday from 8am-9am.
Commissioners Waddington, Warner and Kaman will be hosting morning coffee at Mr. Smiths.
Discuss all questions Sandusky. Special guest will be Mayor Stahl.
Don't forget the special guest Mr. Stahl, live and in person, not an automatron. You might get him to say something other then "No Comment". Do you think this is in response to the Friday meeting to start the ball rolling on a change of government in this town. He kinda reminds you of Schultzee in Hogan's Heroes, "I know nothing".
411 Don't forget to announce the Mr. Smith's coffee house meeting on Friday at 5pm to start the ball rolling on a change of rule in town. About time we get rid of the authority these commissioners like to toss around. Let's get a strong Mayor that answers to the people and not a click of 4 commissioners. This would also null and void the city managers job. By golly there is a god after all.
I will be there Saturday but unfortunatly I can't make it Friday night. I hope both have a good turn out. I look forward to more discussions on our form of Government. Dan Kaman
Prediction: Stahl will either be a no show with the excuse of being out sailing warming up for "SSC Sailor of the Year" or he will leave after 30 minutes because he left his coffee maker on at home.
Bob....this is indeed a "public body" meeting under Ohio's Open Meeting Law, and therefore legal because the prearranged meeting is announced to the public in an adquate timeframe and invited to attend,a majority of the "public body" (city commission) will be present, and finally, the purpose of the meeting is to conduct, through discussion, public business. A public body may hold "special meetings," which are meetings not listed on the regular schedule. The public body must give notice of a special meeting at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting, and the notice must include the time, place, and an explaination of the purpose of the meeting. If this meeting of discussion between 4 commissioners took place in a public or private venue, and the public was not given an invitation, then it would be illegal.
Note: Nevermind, if Mr. Kaman will not be there, it is no longer a "public body" meeting since only 3 members will be present (Warner, Wadds and Stahl). However, if Fuqua or Bobblehead attend (doubt it because I think they only signed up for the every-other Monday meetings plan) then it would be a public body meeting.
Whopper, I think you are getting the Friday meeting mixed up with the Saturday meeting. Kamen will not be at the Friday meeting but will be at the Saturday meeting with Stahl attending the Saturday meeting also.
Stahl doesn't know his arse from a hole in the ground. He said at the last meeting that he knows for a fact that no one on the commission drives a foreign car. Hmmm, what about the commissioner who drives the Toyota?????
Don't forget the special guest Mr. Stahl, live and in person, not an automatron. You might get him to say something other then "No Comment". Do you think this is in response to the Friday meeting to start the ball rolling on a change of government in this town. He kinda reminds you of Schultzee in Hogan's Heroes, "I know nothing".
411 Don't forget to announce the Mr. Smith's coffee house meeting on Friday at 5pm to start the ball rolling on a change of rule in town. About time we get rid of the authority these commissioners like to toss around. Let's get a strong Mayor that answers to the people and not a click of 4 commissioners. This would also null and void the city managers job. By golly there is a god after all.
I will be there Saturday but unfortunatly I can't make it Friday night. I hope both have a good turn out. I look forward to more discussions on our form of Government. Dan Kaman
Prediction: Stahl will either be a no show with the excuse of being out sailing warming up for "SSC Sailor of the Year" or he will leave after 30 minutes because he left his coffee maker on at home.
Can four commissioners meet together in that setting? If Warner is there, too, doesn't that constitute a meeting?
Just curious.
Bob....this is indeed a "public body" meeting under Ohio's Open Meeting Law, and therefore legal because the prearranged meeting is announced to the public in an adquate timeframe and invited to attend,a majority of the "public body" (city commission) will be present, and finally, the purpose of the meeting is to conduct, through discussion, public business. A public body may hold "special meetings," which are meetings not listed on the regular schedule. The public body must give notice of a special meeting at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting, and the notice must include the time, place, and an explaination of the purpose of the meeting. If this meeting of discussion between 4 commissioners took place in a public or private venue, and the public was not given an invitation, then it would be illegal.
Note: Nevermind, if Mr. Kaman will not be there, it is no longer a "public body" meeting since only 3 members will be present (Warner, Wadds and Stahl). However, if Fuqua or Bobblehead attend (doubt it because I think they only signed up for the every-other Monday meetings plan) then it would be a public body meeting.
Whopper, I think you are getting the Friday meeting mixed up with the Saturday meeting. Kamen will not be at the Friday meeting but will be at the Saturday meeting with Stahl attending the Saturday meeting also.
Stahl doesn't know his arse from a hole in the ground. He said at the last meeting that he knows for a fact that no one on the commission drives a foreign car. Hmmm, what about the commissioner who drives the Toyota?????
thanks whopper
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