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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Chung Lee On Healthcare

I no understand how SR story about Rite-Aid robbery turn into debate on healthcare, but Chung Lee had throw two cent in:

Must respond to Chung Lee in native tongue:

Socialized healthcare no work. Ask veteran of military service. He tell you details on long lines. And explain low standards. 411 no understand how socialized medicine work if government fund care for everyone. Who pay for medicine? Top earners in country pay. Soon top earners stop producing. Socialized medicine go bye bye.


Anonymous said...

411 -

Very well said. Chung Lee seems to be the typical flaming liberal that, along with Obama, will run this country literally into the ground.

Anonymous said...

Please do not believe all that the magic TV box and magic radio box has told you about "socialized" healthcare. I am friends and a former coworker with a couple families who have one spouse that is American and one spouse European (one family French and one family British) they both go to the wife's native country to recieve their healthcare when they can. They are paranoid of getting sick when they are in the States because of the healthcare system over here. And the kicker is that they do not belong to some fanicy private health system over there. They both use the Gov. run free service. They say they laugh when they hear talking heads on TV go on and on about how they have to wait inline for hours, and that most services are not available.

Infact I have a former coworker that works at the hydro power plant at Niagra Falls. He is American and lives in America, however he crosses the Rainbow Bridge to have all of his elective procedure performed. He says the service is so much better and so much cheaper.

Why do we rank 37th world wide in healthcare?

Who ranks above us?

Why is the infant mortality rate in El Salvador better than it is in the States?

Why do Canadians, The British, and the French (amoung many others) live on average at least 3 years longer than us.
