Can you replace Surf's Up with a water front park that is more valuable to the citizens of Sandusky than the current property?
If you can, point out the location and explain how it would make more sense than to keep what we already have and utilize it better.
A commenter:
There is no comparison to the site we already have of which condos will be placed on the existing land. Nowhere can you replace such a site line. As far as the Cleveland Road land, that is not considered waterfront property. Deep Water and Gradel property have pollution problems that will cost millions of dollars to clean up and Tricor we already own and nothing can be developed of which we own the land. I can't see where ODNR is going to approve of any these sites. I don't want the city to stick us in a crappy piece of land with a couple of picnic tables and call it a park.
They want to stick us by a railroad track on one side, Cedar Point traffic on the other and a poluted creek for a waterfront view. Great replacement don't you think. Write the ODNR and show your opposition to the city trying to stick the public out of sight out of mind. We should do everything we can to stop this from happening. Once this Surf's Up property is sold, it is gone forever.
There are about 10 people who care about the surfs up property. It has no use and just sits there. Use the land next to Lyman and start developing the land between the causeway and downtown. If that area improves the businesses downtown might see a bit more traffic from CP. I'm all for keeping lakefront property public, but not when it's unused and there's a great project like the marina district out there.
Mr. Ed says - Who is this clown that says only 10 people care about Surf's Up?
Where does he live...in a cave or a condo without a view?
The city says that over 14,000 people used Surf's Up last year alone for all of the activities scheduled there.
Mr. Ed thinks that not only do clowns look funny, but they are also saying some very stupidly funny things in support of the MD Plan ( Marina Disaster Plan).
The explanation for clowns may be that they really cannot make anyone laugh without dressing up to be something they are not....and that appears to be the case with the city's MD clowns.
It will all be ok. Murray and Stahl promised us a 250 million dollar windfall when this MD is complete. What? Waddya mean Murray left? Well SMOOCHY is still good for it. Right?
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