Just spoke with someone who attended the meeting for the relocation of the Surf's Up property.
He said he was dissapointed with the attitude of the commissioners toward the meeting. They looked "disdainful" and didn't seem to want to even be there. He said nothing got accomplished because it seemed like nobody wanted anything to get accomplished.
I'll let this guy expound, because I wasn't there. If you were there, what did you think of the meeting?
Wether you agree or disagree with the MD, the pavilion is a GEM. It is the rec board of commissioners job to replace it with a GEM...not a bone! Dan Kaman
I thought the public hearing was just a formality. There is no comparison to the site we already have of which condos will be placed on the existing land --no where can you replace such a site line. As far as the Cleveland Road land, that is not considered waterfront property. Deep Water and Gradel property have pollution problems that will cost millions of dollars to clean up and Tricor we all ready own and nothing can be developed of which we own the land. I can't see where ODNR is going to approve of any these sites. I don't want the city to stick us in a crappy piece of land with a couple of picnic tables and call it a park.
Dan, where do you stand on the marina district anyway? I don't understand why anyone would think that condos are the answer. We already have vacant condos downtown. We don't need more.
Also, when are you guys having another Saturday coffee? I'd like to go to the next one.
Surfs Up is a gem and it gets used in the summertime. IT SHOULD BE USED EVEN MORE -- NOT SOLD.
A Big Black Woman yawned from her panelled Perch,
To begin this Meigs Street mass of unholy Church,
Matt Kline gave a hollow discordant laugh,
to his motley collection of extended staff,
The city commissioners sat together in solidarity,
to emphasize that have made their choice, damn popularity,
The fat man proclaimed "we are not here to argue"
as if that is adequate process due,
And while Tim Schwanger spoke lucid and clear,
These were not the words that they wanted to hear,
There is nothing to be said, nothing told,
because our city's treasure has been tarried and sold,
And I did not take my five minutes to speak,
as I only have a few words, Rieger and Chesapeake
I went to this meeting and was scared to death. Not so much as the public servants complete disdain towards any citizens that would deign to have their voices heard or oppose their agenda, no, that doesn't scare me becauise I have come to expect that. What scared me was this collection of geriatric zombies and city commisioners that get to sit looking down at the citizens in the "pit". Now Matt Kline was all dapper and refined but I honestly believed that the city council were a group of clients from Goodwill there to put on a fashion show with the donations or rather that I had errantly entered the Victory Kitchen food shelter. It is scary people. How many of the people that we are entrusting our city's future to have even finished a two year degree? This is not cool, these people are not qualified to run a city.
Mr.Ed says....Me thinks that horse is of course always remembers how he is treated and mistreated...so how long will the city's voters recall what took place regarding the disrespect and abuse of the voters' will to place a referendum on the next November ballot to preserve and protect all of the shoreline parks?
Now this whole park swap bait and switch game would not even be necessary if the city commissioners did not abuse the city charter.
Regarding the ethical issues and conflicts of interest concerns among the city commissioners, who recalls that several ethical questions still remain unanswered regarding all of the city commissioner MD discussions and votes dating back to before the Nov. 2007 election that may be tainted by serious conflicts of interest that may have compromised the integrity of the entire city commission?
Can't we all agree that this Marina Disaster episode is all about making someone some money at the cost of public trust and loss of confidence in the city government? Who on the city commission(present or past commissioners) may know the identity of the land grabbing MD business associates behind the curtain who have yet to be exposed as the silent investors and members of the secret LLC? Could there be some additional conflicts of interest that have not yet come to light? How will we ever know if the city commission is not held accountable for any of their past misdeeds especially after abusing the city charter by circumventing the voter referendum petitions?
Of course Mr. Ed is only a horse and what does a horse have in common with the commonly acclaimed lack of common sense among the city commissioners?
Actually if we all got together and sent letters to the ODNR opposing this movement of the Surf's Up property we might stand a chance to stop it. The ODNR is reluctant to give up prime waterfront land if enough people are against it. All they know right now is what the city is telling them, and that is that at the last vote the citizens were behind this project. They will not tell them it was just an advisory vote and that they circumvented a real vote by passing a bogus emergency legislation. We all need to contact the ODNR by phone or letters to tell them of our opposition to this land grab.
I think my favorite part was when the spokesperson from Sandusky Now got up and tried to sell us on his theory about the Condo footprint shouldn't be classified as waterfront property. I wonder if Eymann sent him to say that or he thought that up all by himself. The project must be in trouble to even come up with something like that. I think they are working all the angles to make this happen.
You gotta be kidding me.
Sandusky is being raped and pillaged by its elected officials, and its greedy gate-keepers.
Mr. Ed says - Even a talking horse knows that if one subtracts land for the building footprint from a waterfront park that the green space is no longer available to the public.....what in the world is that Sandusky NOW spokesperson eating these days? Even a horse can smell the difference between a road apple and a real apple!
The MD really stinks the more it sits out there for everyone to understand how badly planned this entire mess has become. The critical question remains: How smart are the city commissioners if they can not even smell what they stepped into?
The commissioners knew this and they also knew that if the vote was allowed to proceed this MD fiasco would fail by a large margin and they did not want that to happen. After all they made alot of promises to the GOB's and the Sandusky Now group and did not want to have to go back on those promises, hence the emergency legislation. It was not an emergency until after the petitions were varified. They would rather tread on democracy then go back on promises made to the more influential people in this town. I guess the only thing that really surprised me was that Waddington went along with this bad decision. I would have thought if anyone would have been for democracy it would have been him. I guess Darth Vader turned to the dark side.
Mr. Ed says - Even a talking horse knows that everyone with mangy hair is not a smart animal....but then again if Darth Vader turned to the dark side, perhaps Wad is not really the Darth Vader because Darth Vader has to shave his face to save his face!
Perhaps there is hope for Wookies who are full of mangy hair...of course it may take a horse to kick a Wookie in the behind to wake him up to what is going on.
Me thinks that Wad should be reading this blog...but then again, only a talking horse of course is talking common sense when it comes to dumping the MD and supporting voters who want their democracy to work for the people and not the GOBs in this city!
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