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*Read archived chat here. New site location here.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Open Thread

A quick note here:

I'm running thin on time, but I'd like to launch another live chat at about 7:30 to pick up where we left off when Buckeye Cablesystem rudely interrupted our live chat on the city commission meeting last night.

I've got so much material that I'd like to put up - but just don't have time. Hopefully I get caught up here...

Another day at the Nuesse hearing took place today. Short day, though.

Treat this like an open thread.


Anonymous said...

I would like to see you put something up on the coal tar plume. The Register doesn't seem to be covering this and the people should be educated. You can obtain great information from the Haags who would be glad to explan it to you.

Bryan said...

I'd like to do something on the coal tar plume. Would probably make a good video piece. Let's see if Jason and the Register beat me to it! (I don't really care who does it, but I'm looking for info on it and can't seem to find it.)

Anonymous said...

In todays Register I am quoted as saying I am "glad there will be lay offs." As you know, I support across the board lay offs if necessary. Not just Union, not just management. Thanks, Dan Kaman

Anonymous said...

a question for all of sandusky? how has don c.icsman the director of law for the city;making $106,000 per yr. with the best benefits that tax dollars can buy, not once made comment or even been mentioned in this hearing? 11 years of icsman running sandusky and where has he has taken us.. well remember the master of stealth will always tell you:
"it's a matter of interpretation.

bob zoellner said...

Anyone go to the Nuesse hearing today?

Any news on how it went?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I attended. Widman should have taken the Fifth. It got so bad that Bailey asked Widman if the city attorneys prepped him and how many hours did the attorneys spend with him because his answers were so evasive. For the city treasurer involved with the grant disbursement, not too much was said. Maybe the city's insurance had run out to cover prepping him and the city couldn't spend the money to prep him; it was so bad. He just came unprepared to answer the questions and this case has been ongoing for a year now he should have rattled the answers off. He played dumb like he didn't know what was going on in his very own department. This comes from a treasurer that received audit awards on each of his audits. Bailey said how can you withdraw from a account with a zero balance?

Anonymous said...

A lot of the Nuesse case was she said, he said. It is quite evident that one or several people have perjuried themselves. Most of the time, the witnesses called on the city's behalf didn't want the cameras rolling on them but Nuesse and her witnesses all had the cameras rolling on them. What didn't the city's witnesses want the public to observe? For one thing, it sounds as if the city was playing Perkins and the County at one time and the city knew about this a few weeks ahead of time that it wasn't going to work with Perkins but they had staff still working up until the last day with a Perkin's contract. Chief Meinzer was told it wouldn't cost the city anything to go with the the county and we are now paying out at least $75,000 so far and counting to accommodate dispatch to the county. It didn't sound like too much was planned out. Some of these dispatchers multi tasks on one or more jobs within the department, so who will fill these jobs when the dispatchers leave? Staff sounded like they were confused as to whether to go with Perkins or the County and they were receiving mixed signals about what was going on.