Watch Pervis Brown's reaction at the end of Warner's dramatic speech:
Bob Haag logged into our live chat (you can read the entire chat right beneath this post. Skip to 8:50 - that's when Bob logs in) to explain and answer questions about Sandusky's coal tar plume.
Since people are curious about what the coal tar problem looks like, here is the map:
Hopefully the Haags get into describing this problem for the community a little more in depth.
More coming!
Update: Jason Singer is writing an article for the Sandusky Register.
I am writing a large story on the coal tar plume — how it got there, where it is, what are the dangers, what are the possible solutions, what happened at the city commission meeting, the possible problems with Hall & Associates' plan, and what the Haags proposes we should do — which will run some time this weekend.
For those of us that are ignorant on this whole Coal Tar bit, what exactly is this Coal Tar issue?
Click on the live chat right below this post - and scroll to the part where Bob Haag logs into the conversation at 8:50 pm. He goes through the issue pretty thoroughly.
I am writing a large story on the coal tar plume — how it got there, where it is, what are the dangers, what are the possible solutions, what happened at the city commission meeting, the possible problems with Hall & Associates' plan, and what the Haags proposes we should do — which will run some time this weekend.
Jason Singer
Jason, About time the Register covered this. Have you found out why the Haags were ambushed and Warner acted the way he did?
OMG, who put this guy on the commission?
I like Pervis Brown's reaction. A picture is worth a thousand words. It looked like Pervis couldn't control it and he just had to let it out. Pervis should have whacked Warner up the side of the head.
Who put Mr. Warner up to this? Mr. Kline????!!! I suspect Mr. Kline is afraid of the Haag's competence and knowledge; (Much like the Kim Nuesse scenario.)and now he is afraid that the Haags might discover more proof of his incompetence. (We can't have that now, can we?)
In comes Mr. Warner....This whole charade looks an awful lot like the one Brian Crandle played when he was setting up Kim Nuesse his comment of - "The dispatch system is on the verge of collapse".
Only this time it's Mr. Warner saying -- I"m not gonna sit here and let you waste the city's money.
Does anyone else smell a rat???
Do the Haag's own the property next to Gallagher's?
I was downtown today and went past that area. The properties behind those buildings look horrible, looks like the Haag's should clean up their own backyard before they go casting stones at others.
I must admit I am a bit leary of the Haags' anyway. I read their free paper when I get a chance and they sound kind of nutty.
\ Can you say pass the cheese please???
Spinning says: Why are people so shocked with the way Warner is acting like a bully again and again?
Does anyone think a bully was placed on the city commission to take some of the heat away from Stahlin, Fugup, Fardt and Klunker?
Pervis Brown needs to begin speaking up to support Kaman and then maybe Wad will get his backbone back to help turn back the dictator and bully tactics from the fumbling four!
Warner has been and always will be a big mouth, hot head bully. This is his doing and only his. I don't like Kline either, but you can't blame him for Warner's personality. ( Or lack of)
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