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*Read archived chat here. New site location here.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

An anonymous commenter:

Mr.ED - Thanks for opening up this forum. I saw the web address listed in one of the SR blogs.Keep up the exposure. I understand that some city commissioners may be interested in reading this blog if someone like 411 were to send the web link to their e-mail address listed on the city website...

"Mr. ED?" (can't figure that one out, sorry.)

I'm sure the commissioners would be happy to stay on top of the internet chatter if somebody would keep them informed of it. Dan Kaman has always been good about keeping himself on top of things as far as that's concerned. I've heard that Dennis Murray, excuse me, MISTER Murray does/did the same.

Here's a list of their email addresses from the city's new website, which is a remarkable improvement from the old version. You've got to hand it to Kelly Kresser and Pabodie studios on that one. (Then again, I haven't yet seen a Pabodie site that didn't impress.)

Gone: The not-cool, time-wasting flash animation and the sea gulls.

City Commissioner Email Addresses:

Craig Stahl: Cstahl@ci.sandusky.oh.us
Brett Fuqua: bfuqua@ci.sandusky.oh.us
Pervis Brown: pbrown@ci.sandusky.oh.us
Julie Farrar: jfarrar@ci.sandusky.oh.us
Dan Kaman: dkaman@ci.sandusky.oh.us
Dave Waddington: dwaddington@ci.sandusky.oh.us
Bob Warner: bwarner@ci.sandusky.oh.us

Those are our reps. As a side note: I had a hard time finding the addresses at first because their names are hyperlinked with their email addresses. My anti-virus software wouldn't allow my outlook to open the addresses. Anywhoo. Drop them a line. They appreciate feedback as much if not more than anyone else.


Anonymous said...

I was here. Signed, Dan Kaman

Anonymous said...

The commissioners always get feed back. The problem is are they listening--really listening.

Anonymous said...

2 or 3 of us are. Dan