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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Kline's State Of The City


Kline touched on a wide range of issues, from Kim Nuesse to the Marina District, the Paper District and future development.

I wonder if Kline mentioned that his own job is currently in jeopardy?

The event was publicized on the City's website (on their events calendar.) That's where the SR gets their information about city events too, I'd imagine.

From the city's website: (Notice the air times on Channel 81)


Anonymous said...

Why is it that the State of the City address is given to the elite business people in town instead of addressing it to all taxpayers? It is a snub to the regular taxpayer. Kline's speech was spoiled by him declaring he is innocent of Nuesse's charges. It takes a lot for a woman to come forward with the accusations against a boss. No woman wants to be placed in the position of having to go through the process and all the stress that goes along with it.

Anonymous said...

Actually not only Kline needs to go, so does Stahl, Farrer, Warner, and let's not forget Fuqua. Those four commissioners have put us in the spot this town is now in. Waddington and Kamen are the only ones with common sense and the only ones who actually go out and help in the commuinity. It would not be any worse with these four gone then it is right now, unless balancing the books is a bad thing. We need true leadership and not the self back patting and the bobble head responses we are now getting.

Anonymous said...

It is strange that there was no hype or announcement by Cline regarding the Marina District or the controversy over the park relocation....

Anonymous said...

Question: What three words should never be used in the same line?

Answer: Touched, Kline, Nuesse.
