Tuesday, March 31, 2009
City Commission Planning Session 3/31/09
I attended only half of the meeting. The comission talked about regional dispatch. They're moving forward with co-locating the city's dispatchers with the county. Mr. Kaman brought up a good point about maybe having a commissioner involved in the planning of the whole thing. Which might be a good idea because dispatching emergency services is part of basic taxpayer funded city services. (By the way, economic development is not.)
The Hacker Complaint:
Mr. Kline dismissed Mr. Hacker's concerns outright. He claimed that there was no favoritism from the city street workers. Mr. Kline said that he had not seen the video online so he was unaware of what the video actually showed. Kline said that other people told him what the video showed and that it was simply city workers removing snow. Basically he said that removing snow is their job. They did nothing wrong and that there was no favoritism. (Big surprise eh?)
Mr. Kline did not address the 2 1/2 hours of video or material that Mr. Hacker dropped off to his office and to the commissioners. (I'm still confused about why Mr. Kline believes this issue is about an internet video, but what the hey.)
This topic will be covered more in depth later on - but if you were wondering, that's what Kline said about the issue.
More to come...
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Updated: City's Closing Argument In Nuesse Case
The city's closing argument is now posted on the Sandusky Register. Go hear and click on the appropriate video. (Still no permalinks.) It's a 40 minute argument - and Ms. Cannon must've covered the city's whole case because if they had any details they were leaving out or the city had an ace in their back pocket they would've shared it during the closing argument.
I'd really love to hear from the Nuesse haters on this. What's the case again?
1. She falsified Weed and Seed grant information? Based on interpretation.
2. She had a parking ticket voided? Completely debunked. There was absolutely no way Nuesse could've handled that situation in a more proper way short of simply paying the ticket which would've made her look paranoid after being told not to worry about it by Captain Frankowski, City Manager Mike Will (who was admittedly embarassed that the ticket was even issued) and Law Director Don Icsman. Everybody was aware of the ticket and nobody had a problem with how it was handled.
3. Failure to cooperate? He said, she said by a bunch of whiny males not used to being challenged. Look who Margaret Cannon says is so upset: Kevin Baxter and Terry Lyons. Consider the sources. (Cannon sneers: "But Randy Glovinski said it is standard procedure to tell the prosecutor and Sheriff when you're about to make arrests...")
4. Misled the commission?
Oh, Cannon says that Nuesse misled the commission during the executive session - not the public portion. Okay, let's ask the people present in the executive session: Kaman says that Nuesse never made statements to lead any of the commissioners to believe the dispatch system was "on the verge of collapse" - and Waddington said he doesn't recall Nuesse characterizing the dispatch system as "on the verge of collapse." But because Waddington wasn't willing to call Farrar, (who, admittedly, wasn't even present) Fuqua, Stahl, and Crandall liars for claiming that Nuesse did claim it was on the verge of collapse - Cannon relies on the possibility that Nuesse misled the commission - not on actual proof that she did. The possibility only exists if you're willing to call Dan Kaman a liar.
Don't know about you, but I'm having such a hard time accepting the possibility that Mrs. Bobblehead, Fuqua, Stahl and Crandall fibbed in concert to protect each other.
In the end, this case comes down to he said, she said. And I'm embarassed for Sandusky as it becomes painfully obvious that this is how our elected officials run the city.
The Question: After reviewing the evidence and listening to both sides, did the city convince you that Nuesse needed to be fired? (Million dollars well spent?)
Dan Kaman emails:
I will miss the live chat tonight. I stand by what I said from day one. I take pride in the fact that during my testimony Sue Porter said something like "so you expect us to believe you over 4 other commissioners who said Nuesse said dispatch was on the verge of collapse?" (or words to that effect) and I said YES. Proof is in the video and the minutes!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Personalized Service From The City Of Sandusky
Hacker says that his neighbor frequently receives personalized service from city workers using city owned dump trucks and front end loaders. Said Hacker: "I'll watch [my neighbor] move his truck and within five minutes a [city owned] front end loader arrives to clear out the snow in front of his house."
Video exclusive:
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Updated: City of Sandusky Coal Tar Map
Watch Pervis Brown's reaction at the end of Warner's dramatic speech:
Bob Haag logged into our live chat (you can read the entire chat right beneath this post. Skip to 8:50 - that's when Bob logs in) to explain and answer questions about Sandusky's coal tar plume.
Since people are curious about what the coal tar problem looks like, here is the map:
Hopefully the Haags get into describing this problem for the community a little more in depth.
More coming!
Update: Jason Singer is writing an article for the Sandusky Register.
I am writing a large story on the coal tar plume — how it got there, where it is, what are the dangers, what are the possible solutions, what happened at the city commission meeting, the possible problems with Hall & Associates' plan, and what the Haags proposes we should do — which will run some time this weekend.
Open Thread
I'm running thin on time, but I'd like to launch another live chat at about 7:30 to pick up where we left off when Buckeye Cablesystem rudely interrupted our live chat on the city commission meeting last night.
I've got so much material that I'd like to put up - but just don't have time. Hopefully I get caught up here...
Another day at the Nuesse hearing took place today. Short day, though.
Treat this like an open thread.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Live Chat: City Commission Meeting March 23, 2009
Mayor/Ward Vs. City Commission
Sandusky Register March 22, 2009:
And here's the funny part:
Craig Stahl said he likes the current format and Brett Fuqua disrespectfully blows off the idea by calling it "a joke."
Not advocating either side - but given the fact that the ward system is used in thousands of cities in the United States, what's more of a joke: the ward system or Fuqua answering the question that way?
Saturday, March 21, 2009
A Divided Commission
It would be nice to know Mr. Stahl and Mr. Kline's plans, goals, objectives. One of the issues that was brought up this morning at Mr. Smith's coffee house was that the commission hasn't sat down for a work session yet this year.
The commission is divided and the "majority party" doesn't seem interested in sharing any information with the rest of the commission.
In reference to the Pisarsky contract mentioned above. This is from the February 23rd Commission Agenda:
Firelands Blog Ring Forming
The RemoveBarbJohnson blog has information on the 'tea parties' that are popping up in America.
Huron2009 is a new blog created to cover issues in Huron.
Hopefully these blogs stay active! It's nice to see more and more people realize the benefit to citizen journalism. It doesn't take anything more than accuracy and fairness to provide a news outlet for people in our area!
Once again, if you are interested in learning the ins and outs of blogger, contact me at the address in the upper right corner of the sidebar.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Mr. Smith's Coffee House 8:00 AM
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Live Chat Wednesday: Local Conspiracy Theory
In order to create a useful dialogue let's do our best to follow a few posting guidelines:
1. Be considerate to other chatters.
2. Stay on topic and be constructive.
Tonight's chat topic will be local conspiracy theories.
Chat window will go active at approximately 8:30 pm.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Video: Kline Confronted On False Accusation During Nuesse Civil Service Hearing
To understand this video clip - make sure you've watched this clip of Matt Kline during the city commission meeting back in February of 2008.
This is Kim Nuesse's lawyer K Ron Bailey asking Matt Kline about the duplicity he used to fire Nuesse:
Wednesday Night Chat
I've gotta clear this up:
I don't remember saying that "not too many people in Erie county read the Sandusky Register blogs..." Maybe Julie R. can point out where I supposedly made that comment?
Julie, I hope you join us tomorrow night. And have your friend Buff log in too!
Current City Commission Review
The current commission consists of two extra names: Bob Warner - who was appointed to fill Dennis Murray's vacancy when he was elected to the Ohio House of Representative, and Pervis Brown who was appointed to fill Brian Crandall's seat when he
Three seats are contested in November 2009: Craig Stahl, Pervis Brown and Bob Warner.
Chief Justice At Register Building
Confirmed: The Chief Justice called at 11:00 am and showed up at the building at 5:00.
The major points of the SR article are these:
1. Moyer is campaigning to change the selection process for members of the supreme court. (Which is a debate in itself) He thinks that a panel of members made of mostly of "nonlawyers" should decide who's on the court. Moyer says that the court is compromised by big money donations and that the donators then expect the court to rule in favor of their interests. I imagine he's talking about insurance companies. Moyer would have to openly debate this idea because frankly, having a panel choose the justices doesn't make much sense for a variety of reasons. Who chooses the members of this panel? Why can't the justices just refuse the money from special interests? Nobody forces them to take campaign donations. We had a problem in Erie County with unelected visiting judges wreaking havoc on our legal system - so what would happen if that problem of unelected accountability raises itself to the level of the highest court in Ohio? (Incidentally, we haven't had much visiting judge action around here lately, have we? Campaign promise kept: Ty Tone, Roger Binette.)
2. Moyer gave the Register a legal pointer on the appropriate next step to obtain the results of a BCI investigation into our local prosecutor - which is a writ of mandamus:
3. Moyer called the AG's decision not to release the document "curious."
Insight, anybody? (Especially you attorneys who are reading this...)
Monday, March 16, 2009
Commenters: Make Every Comment Worth Reading
Thank you.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
New Internet Verb?
The mayor's name lends itself to being used as a verb, as in: "You got Stahled." Which could be synonomous with being "stonewalled."
And now you've got this Don Lee cartoon.
The City's Public Records Expert
Read this decision from the Ohio Supreme Court which suspended him from the practice of law for a year (six months stayed on conditions.)
(Thanks to whoever posted that tip in the comments.)
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Recall Poll Final
Friday, March 13, 2009
Downtown Economic Development & Local Government
On Firelands411, your view won't be blocked or severely limited for the benefit of a few people.
Downtown development is a hot topic in Sandusky, and so let's get all the information on the table and debate what's best for the city. Many people disagree with the marina district project for legitimate reasons. They're not "negative" or "against progress." They're simply articulating ideas they've learned from researching the best practices from other cities facing the same issues, and not subscribing to the pie-in-the-sky waterfront development ideas that haven't had positive long term results anywhere else in the country. These folks certainly don't deserve to be written off as "not credible" like the Sandusky Register editorial board has done here:
The Sandusky Register has a monopoly on which viewpoints achieve "market penetration" - and on downtown development, the SR has clearly favored the Marina District.
How about an opposing viewpoint?
Chris Wimer is a lifelong Sandusky resident who has done a substantial amount of research on downtown Sandusky history. He authored a few reports on proposed downtown development and was kind enough to send them in for publication.
Mr. Wimer's report - and it's extensive - is here.
What Does It Take To Change The Form Of Local Government?
If you have knowledge of this, dicuss:
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Future Plans
Great idea. We could have a public records expert, like the attorney from Kent State University who is quoted frequently in the Sandusky Register, participate in a live blog and he could take questions from citizens in Sandusky. One could ask him what can be done about the current situation of secrecy in the city. You might be surprised to find that most attorneys go into law because they have respect for the ideals this country was founded upon. Many of them would gladly direct you on how to make progress with forcing public accountability. All you have to do is ask them!
Don't you believe that public sentiment carries weight in the decisions of politicians? I received several phone calls today about how interesting the concept of liveblogging is and how we need to advertise it more widely to increase awareness and participation. I did have the same thought as you, ("In the end, this is just idle talk,") but action starts with a plan. Plans start through discussion.
I'm planning on hosting a liveblog for every commission meeting. The meetings are broadcast on Channel 81. The chat will go active at 8:15 and we can all watch the meeting together on TV and chat about it on the net. Citizens who go to that podium won't feel like they're being stared down by the commissioners and sulked at by the likes of certain commissioners. Citizens don't deserve that kind of treatment, and this is one way to support them.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Live Blog Debriefing
If any other commissioners are interested in taking part, please send me an email so we can set up moderation planning: firelands411@yahoo.com
Question: What topic should be covered next week?
Live Blogging Wednesday: Transparency In Local Government
In order to create a useful dialogue let's do our best to follow a few posting guidelines:
1. Be considerate to other chatters.
2. Stay on topic and be constructive.
Tonight's chat topic will be transparency in local government.
Let's kick this off with a question for all participants: Do you believe we have a problem with transparency in local government?
The chat box below will go active at approximately 7:45pm.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Live Blog Wednesday: Tranparency In Government
On Wednesday, March 11, 2009 we will be discussing the issue that seems to be on everyone's mind: Transparency in city government. We'll discuss whether the level of transparency in Sandusky is a problem and if so what can be done about it.
Hope to see you then!
Live Blogging Explained
Read more
Monday, March 9, 2009
Video: City Commission Meeting 3-9-09
I think if we advertise this type of event the community would engage. You can scroll through the chat if you like - it should stay right there below this post. If you want to get involved in the Democratic process, there ya go. The guy who stayed on with me for awhile made some good suggestions about setting up events like this to talk about topics facing the city - and I mentioned possibly getting the commissioner's involved.
As usual, there were alot of topics for discussion from the commish meeting, but I thought this clip was the most noteworthy. This video is the SR's Jason Singer asking some tough questions about the inevitable insurance costs related to the Nuesse debacle which of course Craig Stahl refused to answer. Dan Kaman piped up though. He seems to be the only person who understand the gravity of the situation. Others might too, but they don't have the political guts to answer.
Take it away, Jason:
City Commission Meeting 3-9-08
I hear that the Register's Jason Singer asked some great questions on the Nuesse matter.
Budget problems galore, the marina that appears to be pushed through without running it through the standard bid process, the Nuesse matter, many questions few answers.
What's the 411?
Saturday, March 7, 2009
VIDEO: Unraveling The Lies
Friday, March 6, 2009
The Joint Dispatch Controversy
Researching...editing...stay tuned...
Links, Links, Links
Is Obama harming the economy on purpose? (Not buyin' it only because I don't want to believe it.)
The US Postal Office buys a 1.2 million dollar home for an employee relocation. Didn't know USPS employees could afford homes like that.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Recall Poll Fairness
Good point. Can't argue with it. The reason I didn't include that option to begin with was because I wanted to gauge each commissioner's 'approval rating' in relation to each other. But I admit that fairness requires a 'none of the above' option.
I'm reconfiguring the poll now, but here are the original results:
Updated: Prosecutorial Twist
Mr. Baxter states that the AG issued a statement "as a result of this false publication?" Not. true. at. all. The AG was responding to a public records request. The AG did not state that the Register's story was false - but Mr. Baxter is attempting to mislead people into believing that the AG made their statement because of the Register's story. It's scary to see Baxter twist cause and effect here.
I wonder if this is the way he practices law.
The AG's statement because somebody asked to see it:
The Register has published statements from other persons involved in the investigation who explain why the AG's investigation didn't establish probable cause. The statement was made that the alleged drug use happened too long ago to prosecute.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Chung Lee On Healthcare
Must respond to Chung Lee in native tongue:
Socialized healthcare no work. Ask veteran of military service. He tell you details on long lines. And explain low standards. 411 no understand how socialized medicine work if government fund care for everyone. Who pay for medicine? Top earners in country pay. Soon top earners stop producing. Socialized medicine go bye bye.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Remove Barb Johnson?
And I actually like Barb Johnson. She's such a sweet lady with nothing bad to say about anybody. But she still doesn't have Erie County records online. We're not "behind the curve" - we're still living in the 80's as far as the Clerk of Courts goes...
The Remove Barb Johnson website.
The dude (or lady) who started the page has a point: These sites should be kept by fair minded individuals who will keep track of an elected official's on-the-job performance. They would be an awesome resource for use during local campaigns. Not something you look at every day, but definitely a reference that could keep elected officials on their toes.
Bumped Up: The IMA Nuesse Report
I'm reading it again and will post some items that jump out at me. Just off the top of my head, I can't get over the fact that Mr. Kline didn't have a single piece of paper (written complaints, FOP grievances) to back up his decision to place Nuesse on administrative leave. The other point is that the report is just as poorly written as the Murman Report! (Were they rushed to get it done? Upon further reading, yes, it appears so.)
UPDATE: I summarized the IMA's report with their major points. Follow link below.
Read more
Blogging Class
Dog Attack In Norwalk
"The pictures are ...” Clifford said, trailing off, unable to find words
suitable to describe the gore. The muscle and tissue from the shoulder to his elbow was torn out — hanging limply on his forearm. “It looked like something from a science show,” Light said. The bitten man required more than 100 stitches.
Can't wait for this to be over...
What do you all think of this?
As always, keep the comments constructive. My two cents is that a Dateline producer needs to look at this story. It seems like anyone who speaks out publicly against this guy either ends up in prison or run out of town. My opinion is that he doesn't stay in office because of any great skill as a prosecutor, but more because he has great skill at using his office to intimidate opposers and silence critics. (No challengers in what, forever?)
Good luck at getting a credible investigation into an Ohio county prosecutor because you have to go through the office of the Ohio attorney general. (I lost track of those guys. Not even sure who our AG is at this moment. I remember Marc Dann easily defeated Betty Montgomery after she ignored Coingate, but then he resigned in disgrace after his party voted to impeach him. So they have a great track record for public integrity, as you can see.)
Public corruption is a serious problem here and there are no legal avenues to address it, and none of our elected officials have the political courage to address it either. They'll voice their outrage behind closed doors, but that's it.