I attended only half of the meeting. The comission talked about regional dispatch. They're moving forward with co-locating the city's dispatchers with the county. Mr. Kaman brought up a good point about maybe having a commissioner involved in the planning of the whole thing. Which might be a good idea because dispatching emergency services is part of basic taxpayer funded city services. (By the way, economic development is not.)
The Hacker Complaint:
Mr. Kline dismissed Mr. Hacker's concerns outright. He claimed that there was no favoritism from the city street workers. Mr. Kline said that he had not seen the video online so he was unaware of what the video actually showed. Kline said that other people told him what the video showed and that it was simply city workers removing snow. Basically he said that removing snow is their job. They did nothing wrong and that there was no favoritism. (Big surprise eh?)
Mr. Kline did not address the 2 1/2 hours of video or material that Mr. Hacker dropped off to his office and to the commissioners. (I'm still confused about why Mr. Kline believes this issue is about an internet video, but what the hey.)
This topic will be covered more in depth later on - but if you were wondering, that's what Kline said about the issue.
More to come...
This guy Kline needs to resign.
Thanks 411!!!
So that's it? Kline dismissed Mr. Hacker's complaints outright and that's the end of it? You people in Sandusky have some serious issues with these bums and it appears like you will never win.
Did anyone expect anything more from Kline like a thorough investigation? This guy needs to go.
To 411: How about giving us some concrete evidence that the snowplow is not just plowing the streets out. How about a shot of the driveway being plowed. Kline said he couldn't access 411 from his computer at work to observe the picutres taken but doesn't he have a computer at home? Kline is out of touch and simply doesn't care. No ambition what so ever.
Spinning says: Isn't the funny thing about the snow remocal video is that snow is being removed from a home of a city worker's relative or something like that?
Why is Kline blowing off the Hacker complaint?
Does anyoned think that if Kline addresses the complaint that he could be cutting himself off from union supporters who would then be willing to throw him under the bus for the layoffs that are coming or for some of the other issues swirling around the Meigs Street circus?
A county prosecutor rumored to be a coke head, an arrogant city manager that gets a pat on the back for sexually harrassing a female police chief yet the police chief gets fired, a million dollars spent on a mock trial and now another three months before the 85 year-old judge comes back with the fix.......Sandusky is a comedy of errors.
Cafe meeting this Saturday at Smith's coffee shop at 8:00 a.m. downtown. Special guest Craig Stahl. Any one having any concerns about the city can chat with the commissioners at this time and is open to the public.
It would be interesting to learn how Mr. Mayor believes misuse of public funds and equipment should be handled in light of Mr. Hackers indisputable evidence that Kline is giving the union guys a pass again.....how does Stall explain the special treatment for a resident when most of us do not have our streets cleaned!
That's your response? The city was just doing thier job cleaning the snow from infront of this man's house. I would like to know if any of the residents in the city had the snow removed from infront of thier homes. If I was to guess the answer I'd come up with would be NO! Scott Miller at the service center had just about the same answer when he called me last friday. Mr. Kline I also know you did not see the entire video clip on the internet. Because there was only about 3 mins. posted out of 23 minutes of footage. That also means you came up with your conclusion without veiwing all of the video footage or pictures. Way to go Kline!! And you wonder why the citizens of this city are asking you to resign.
would like to know if rest of the video is somewhere we can watch it all and if there is pictures can they be posted so we can also see
Where are you getting that this video is undisputable evidance...it shows nothing.
The relative wasnt even there in this video for one thing and it shows nothing of the sort of them up in his property.They were doing what they were told. The foremen were there too for Christ sake.
Hackers a Crackpot,Hes fighting his own little private war between him and his neighbor.Pretty childish behavior for an adult, at least he looks like an adult.
I hope Mr. Hacker will attend the next commission meeting to defend what Kline has told everyone that these workers were on city business and doing what they were supposed to be doing.
Mr. Anonymous I do not appreciate being called a Crackpot from a person who will not even publish there name when making their comment. I do not know who you are but, I have never said anything to my nieghbor and for the little war you are talking about "You have no clue". You must think I am the only one in my neigborhood that knows this is taking place. They all see the city vehicals at his house I'm not the only one. In my neighborhood the other neighbor's call him the "MAYOR" I wonder why? While you do not agree that this a waste of taxpayer's money and it's all about some private war. If so, maybee you should go to the commissioner's metting tonight and tell the citizen's why you feel differently. I also hope that all of the people who posted a comment would show up and ask Mr. Kline themselves why this is taking place. Thank You...
I have personal witness the city give Mr.Hacker's neighbor special treatment salting in front of his driveway,picking up his leaves in the STREET. (I didnt know we can put our leaves in the STREET! and our snow!)
This is the latest "private war".
Mr.Hacker' neighbor has had "private wars" with other neighbors.
Tried of "The Mayor" thinking that he is above the law.
I live in the neighborhood
Its a done deal hack...issues been adressed,move on.But if it happens again after all this, heads better roll.
It's a done deal alright.. it's over.. never happened.. end of story. Well that is just what we all expected nothing. Let it be known that what I did see in the video was pretty damaging. I still think Mr. Hackers claims should have been looked into more closely. Would you please show us as many pictures and videos you have so we can see for ourselves. I think Mr. Hacker did the right thing by bringing this to the public. But, no one cares unless everybody can see it for themselves.. Alot of the citizens do not watch the Commissioners Meetings on TV let alone attend them. Nor, do they know about 411 Firelands on the internet.. This only leaves the Sandusky Register.. What about it? you did say at the Commissioners Meeting you also wanted the videos too. Show the readers of the Register the photos and videos and let them respond to it. I am very certian the response will be overwhelming.
If people only knew the real story
here! Mr. Hacker had plenty of truthful evidence but he lost all
that when he didnt tell the truth about the loader video story
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